Playdays Nursery

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Stay and Play

We run Stay and Play on a Monday morning for Parents/Carers and children (baby-toddler) 

Our dates for the this term are: 

  • 7th October  
  • 21st October,  
  • 4th November  
  • 18th November 
  • 2nd  December 
  • 15th December 


Pricing is £3 for one adult and child and 50p for each extra person. 


I am an MDSA at Longlevens Infant School and Clerk to the Governors of Longlevens Primary Federation.  My daughters Phoebe (22) and Lauren (21) both attended and loved Playdays. During that time I was the vice chair and then chair of the parent committee. We are a military family and whilst posted in different areas I have been involved with various toddler groups with my son Alex (10) and daughter Emily (6). Look forward to seeing you.

